Friday, March 03, 2006


Raise a toast,

Got the Narsee Monjee result yesterday and God wasnt it pleasant surprise (modest expression, is that!)....and am I not breathing a sigh of relief..........

With a rank of 13xx and 87.79 marks in the writtens it was half the battle lost... but GP/PIs did the magic, scored a whopping 84/100 in those to get a total 171.79 and merit rank of 109, Man i must have really cracked the thing...

When i look back, My GD was fair to good (offcourse i realized that only now), i was the second one to speak and first one to make sense, people were tending to loose the topic in the GD, rather than speaking on the topic, they connect the topic to what they know something about and speak on it... Its like you gotta write an essay on a cow, but you only learnt bout tree, so write that cow is tied to tree and then go bang bang about the tree... Mind you, m not a GD cracker by any stretch of imagination, but thats what i felt bout it...

My interview was decent.. they asked me all the general questions, bout Indian economy, my achievements and what would be my return on investment in MBA and does that investment makes sense.... In retro I realized after giving these MBA interviews that these people also look at passion as an important parameter... you gotta believe what you say... and put it strongly... not thump-the-table stuff but should kinda reflect in your voice modulations....

I am giving a lotsa expert-insights which i dont exactly have the right to just after my first call-conversion but hell this is my blog.... so I can give as much gyan as i want... isnt it?

Well, I havent won an academy award but nevertheless i dont mind giving a short speech. So here goes.... I am blessed to have a real cool set of people around, ma, sis, aarti, piyush, punit, jinal, siddharth, shant, vandit, devashish, milan and all those whose name i am stupid enuf to forget... Owe a lot to all of you and luv ya all...........

wait for my next publication...


  1. Dude! Congrats man, u deserve every bit of the Call. Party Kab de raha hai Bhai!!!
    But I believe that we're destined to be batchmates in NITIE :-) (Hopefully).

  2. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Hey Rohan..

    Congrats buddy..when is the party??

  3. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Well done!
    [url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

  4. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Nice site! |
