2007 was a happy year for all who even remotely put money in the market. Sensex would just keep going up and up until offcourse this animal called gravity, woke up from sleep and realized this sensex thing seems to be defying it and needs to be put to task. So it did and the sensex after enjoying the view from top of Patronas towers in early Jan 2008, fell hard. So hard that it is now at a level where you can accidently step on it. And yes offcourse on its way down it burnt a hole into several pockets, one of which was mine. Moral of the story - If something appears to good to be real, chances are it isn't real. Exit before the reality bites.
Terror reached a place this year, which it had never reached before. Our Psyche. We are scared; scared of unattended bags, of political rags, of buses and trains, of parks and planes. Cheeku warns me against going out to Malls on weekends just to avoid crowds. Its a constraint on freedom, to curtail plans for such reasons; feels pathetic I know but even after doing so, one never knows if something would go wrong and when. Moral of the story - Live now, in today. Don't worry about the past, come over it. Don't worry about the future, it may not come over.
One of the good things to have happened to me this year though is that I did this basic course in Art of living on Anusha's Recommendation. Generally, the recommendations given to me take quite some time to translate into an action plan; nevertheless my turnaround time for this one was just 3 days. I don't know where the motivation came from for me to bike at 6 in the morning in freezing Gurgaon cold to attend the session consecutively for 6 days, especially when for the first 5 mins after waking up everyday, I debated with myself whether to go back to sleep. The course indeed is good and recommended to one and all. And yes offcourse, I am not getting paid to write this.
2009 is a kissing distance away now. In various ways it's going to be a life changing year for me. I am not jumping in with any resolutions; i will rather just be myself and i hope i will be up to it. Merry christmas and happy new year to all of you. I will be in Mumbai for 31st and looking forward to it. Have fun. See you in 2009.